Landscaping Masterclass in Riga
Maastikuehitajate meistriklass Riias.
"What is the value of your company? Are you your company? Where does the profit of the company actually come from?" with these questions, ELCA President Henrik Bos began our international training program 'The Present and Future of Urban Landscaping' in Riga. Leaders and project managers from Latvia and Estonia will benefit from the valuable experience of practitioners from Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, and Estonia.
The training is conducted in collaboration with the European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA) and the Latvian Association of Landscape Architects (LAAA). This 100-hour training consists of four 3-day modules. For more detailed content, please click HERE.
Mis on sinu ettevõtte väärtus? Kas sina oled sinu ettevõte? Kust tuleb ettevõtte kasum tegelikult? Nende küsimustega alustas ELCA president Henrik Bos Riias meie rahvusvahelist koolitust The Present and Future of Urban Landscaping. Ettevõtete juhid ja projektijuhid Lätist ning Eestist saavad osa Soome, Hollandi, Saksamaa ja Eesti praktikute väärtuslikust kogemusest. Koolitus toimub koostöös Euroopa maastikuehitajate liidu (ELCA) ja Läti maastikuarhitektide liiduga (LAAA)
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