Teacher Training: Outcome-based VET Education

The goal of the training is to give to participants a deeper understanding of the outcome-based approach and levels of the European Qualification Framework in order to create learning process reaching maximum potential of each VET student. All teaching and learning must be aligned with the learning outcomes.

Feedback from our previous participants

"Enthusiastic trainers, useful way of thinking."
"My knowledge of the outcome-based learning and self-confidence increased more than I expected." 
"I can use what I learned to a great extent in the learning environment."
"The pace and extent of the curriculum was ideal for me."

Learning outcomes
  • Understand the nature of outcome-based teaching and learning;
  • Formulate professional behaviour, learning outcomes and assessment criteria based on European Qualification Framework levels;
  • Plan learning process according to outcome-based principles and European Qualification Framework levels;
  • Develop implementation units in accordance to specific teaching needs; use different ways of supporting VET students’ self-directed and reflective learning;
  • Reflect on their own learning through goal setting and evaluation.
CurriculumTeacher Training: Outcome-based VET Education .pdf

Anu Vaagen
Raili Laas
Anu Vaagen (MA) and Raili Laas (MBA) are trainers and coaches working with VET schools and companies in the green sector towards bringing schools and labour market closer together. They have trained VET teachers and educators from Estonia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Finland and China.
Their main training topics are professional behaviour of employees, coaching principles in leadership, outcome-based learning, team building and team learning, meaningful learning and working. They have developed the system of landscapers’ professional qualification recognition and they are also the quality assessors of
Estonian VET education providers.
The tandem of Raili and Anu has been awarded Trainer of the Year regionally in 2022, and Anu has been awarded Trainer of The Year in Estonia in 2023.

32 hours

Tartu, Estonia

1100 euros
(includes course, accommodation, coffee breaks and lunch)

More information